Monday, April 21, 2008

An Interesting Dinner Guest

So this is what my parents came home to find in their dining room today. Apparently the roofers working up the hill forgot to properly secure the parking brake on their dump truck. No one was in the house, but it pretty much trashed everything in the dining room. Fun times.


Anonymous said...

no matter how you cut it, there ain't nothing good about that.

myleswerntz said...

so, there's not supposed to be a parking spot there?

rico said...

geez, I hope there were no comics in there!

Rachel said...

Oh my gosh! I'm glad they're okay. Now, would his car insurance or their home owner's insurance cover this?

Lindsay said...

THAT IS AWESOME! In that, well that sucks, but is cool to have a picture of, kind of way!